Monday, December 13, 2010

The mountain of Qi Lin is mysterious unfathomable

then ask way to the openings of Lang Peng:"Elder generation, do you have the blood to work properly a monster here?The younger generation wants to refine to work properly a machine now.""Ha ha, I already none of quite a few days refine common of work properly a machine, where still have the material to note to work properly, however the eastern side of the green jade spring star is the mountain of Qi Lin, there of work properly a monster demon monster much get BE, even may even have the Qi Lin Rui monsters like that, you can to there grasp severals to work properly a monster back slowly practice."In fact, Lang Peng there is still the blood to note to work properly in the hand of, however that be not what common of work properly the blood of monster, but a blood of black dragon.With the level that Lin Yi flies now, he can loathe to give up to take out to make Lin Yi fly to do a hand."Like, younger generation this grasps severals to work properly a monster back in Shan-li and fights for soon a chain to work properly a machine."The words of Lang Peng just finish saying, Lin Yi flies prepared into mountain catch work properly a monster go."Is not hasty, not hasty, listen to me saying first.You want into mountain to catch to work properly a monster, I don,t block you, however you want to remember 1:00, that is to absolutely can not go deep into, the mountain of Qi Lin is mysterious unfathomable, many fix true all at in threw life, cheap louboutin so, this time, you left for, catch in the outer circle how many low etc.s of work properly a monster then, should never attempt to greed, know?""Elder generation trust, the younger generation just wants to catch severals come back to do a hand, can,t emit those to have no the necessity emits of insurance, also invite elder generation to turn to tell Zheng Lao Ge a , younger generation this caught to work properly a monster to the mountain of Qi Lin."Say stem and then do, Lin Yi flies now full brains all work properly a machine, the hope is early some to catch to work properly a monster, so and the Lang Peng tell offense a , then and immediately start on journey."Ha ha, the young man is indeed as expected anxious!"See Lin Yi fly the breeze breeze fire fire the ground set out, the Lang Peng start to can not help remembering at the beginning of oneself.Think at the beginning, oneself and he is it of resemble, also because entitle to the refining work properly a machine, sign horse to catch to work properly a monster.Slightly shook to shake head, the Lang Peng was some to sadly sigh 1, turned just through disappear to disappear.Does Volume 2 fix true boundary to spread fame chapter 25 for time?Space?Master the chain machine room of the Lang Peng came out from the chain machine, Lin Yi flew all the way to the east, again found out the mountain of Qi Lin mostly directions after, Lin Yi flies really impatient stage by stage walk over there, hence then the Teng get empty but rise and resist empty

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