Wednesday, December 8, 2010

"Small friendship

unexpectedly isn,t the WINDOWS system of legendary Louis Vuitton Shoes Microsoft, cheap louboutin but it of*make function unexpectedly more more simple and direct than the Microsoft is convenience.Appear a figure for acquainting with on the screen suddenly-small friendship."Young master missed me?"The small friendship bends body, the hands put on the knee and towarded Chen Ling Feng to do one charmingly feminine and hundred percent action."Small friendship, you how here?"The surprised interjection of Chen Ling Feng."Young master, all of these two set computers are what mother produces on boards, be naturally subjected to a mother at any time ship supervision Luo."Little Ya Xi says with smile."Be getting more understand!"Chen Ling Feng understand don,t understand of say."Young master has what order?"The small friendship seems to be especially to like to contribute efforts to Chen Ling Feng."Boon, I must throw in all of 5,000 dollarses of bank account to industry in Yangtze River to go now.You fix for me, like, don,t say, the dream Jie came."The hasty way of Chen Ling Feng."Good young master sees how I earn money for you."The small friendship disappears in the right bottom Cape of computer after putting a heart of red Can Can to Chen Ling Feng."Elder brother, you just at to who talk?"Li Meng Jie walked to come in from the outside hall at this time."Have no ah, just was making a computer.This computer is getting better."Chen Ling Feng elaborates a way."BE?I also play mine!"Finish saying, she is urgently hasty of beat the computer of she that set powder color to open.While discovering those miraculous functions, can always make Li Meng Jie send out to repeatedly marvel."Elder brother, you are really good to me!"Li Meng Jie is excitement towards Chen Ling Feng is face top to go in person, after, full face abashed redly ran to go out.Leave Chen Ling Feng alone in the room, he touched touch just be assaulted of face, the wry smile is 1, continued to start to play with a computer.Opened the official site of industry in Yangtze River, a very refreshing news appeared on the website:Ten thousand section house properties will cooperate with industry in Yangtze River to develop delta in Yangtze River.Presumably start at the moment, the stock of industry in Yangtze River increases all the way.BE

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